Writing a LinkedIn summary is incredibly difficult. Whether you lot're looking for a new job, sprucing upwardly your Linkedin profile after graduating, edifice your following on the platform, or seeking to appoint prospects, you lot'll face the following challenge: What should you put on your LinkedIn summary?

A recounting of your prior roles? A list of your accomplishments? Should you write information technology in first person? Or in third?

Or should you forgo the difficulty of information technology all and use the standard bio LinkedIn wrote up for you?

→ Download Now: 80 Professional Bio Examples [Free LinkedIn Summary Templates]

The answer to that question is no, but not to worry: You'll soon have an enviable and unique LinkedIn summary you'll be proud to publish.

In this blog mail, we'll dig into what to include in your LinkedIn nearly section to make it stand out, as well every bit some examples to give yous inspiration. Let's get started.

Whether you lot're a chore seeker starting your search on LinkedIn or a tenured professional, your summary should speak to your skills, experience, and professional interests — think of it equally your digital elevator pitch.

Hither'due south an example:

"I'yard a sales rep dedicated to helping local Oklahoma City services businesses grow their customer base of operations and decrease customer churn. I accept 6 years of experience in local sales and I've consistently met and exceeded my quota throughout my career. Within the concluding year, I've topped our leaderboard six out of ten months. On average, I shut business concern 10% faster than my peers."

LinkedIn summaries are hard — especially for salespeople, marketers, and other professionals whose piece of work relies on networking. You're non targeting recruiters and hiring managers; you're appealing to potential buyers and clients. On peak of finding an interesting and 18-carat way to depict your professional groundwork, you lot must also come up across as a subject thing adept.

Regardless of your groundwork, writing a expert LinkedIn summary is incredibly of import.

Why a Good LinkedIn Summary is Of import

Writing a LinkedIn summary may feel similar an unnecessary pace — especially if you keep your profile upwards to date. You might besides encounter it equally unnecessary if yous don't spend a lot of time on the platform or aren't looking for a task.

Only a good LinkedIn summary is crucial for career success. For salespeople, it can be a handy tool for social selling; for other professionals, it could be the gateway to a new career opportunity.

Let'due south get over the reasons you should most definitely write a LinkedIn summary.

You get to innovate yourself in your own words.

You no longer have to allow your latest role speak for you. A LinkedIn summary will allow you to make a personable first impression and highlight your accomplishments and expertise in a succinct mode. While your prior roles may exist notable, they're non the simply things people should know about you.

Yous become to show your personality.

Add a footling flair and sense of humour, or go along it super professional. Either style, your LinkedIn summary will requite recruiters and other users a sense of taste of what they tin can look if they reach out to you lot. Information technology tin can also assistance recruiters guess culture fit and help prospects and potential clients get a sense of whether they'd like to piece of work with yous.

You can rank higher in LinkedIn search results.

LinkedIn uses the virtually section in its algorithm, as well as your LinkedIn headline, electric current title, and other factors. By writing a keyword-rich LinkedIn summary, you can get more than visible to potential prospects and recruiters in search results. If you include keywords such every bit "content," "direction," and "assay" in your bio, you may concenter more than views.

Ready to get started writing your LinkedIn summary?

Think of your LinkedIn summary as the objective section of your resume: In just a few sentences, it should give the reader a articulate idea of who you are, what sets you apart, and what you're looking for from the viewer.

LinkedIn differs from a resume because resumes are usually shared in chore applications or interviews, but someone tin can review your LinkedIn profile at any time. For that reason, yous want to brand sure the summary is generally targeted: You don't want to call out recruiters specifically, not unless y'all're looking for a new role.

1. Create a quick outline prior to writing your About department.

While your LinkedIn contour isn't an academic essay, you lot should nonetheless outline the things you want to say and the social club in which you lot want to say them.

The last thing your audience needs is long, rambling paragraphs with no clear progression from sentence to judgement.

Sticking to a predetermined structure will help you communicate conspicuously and concisely.

Consider following a format similar to this:

  • Hook: A sentence that makes the reader want to keep reading. Think: only the first 3 lines are visible when a user enters your profile. With a claw, you ensure they click 'See more.'
  • Mission: Tell the reader why you exercise what you practise.
  • Expertise and Skills: Tell the reader what you're skillful at.
  • Accomplishments: Evidence the reader how your expertise delivered results in the past.
  • Call to Action: Tell the reader what you desire them to do afterwards they're done reading your summary.

If you're not sure how to become started, apply our free professional person bio templates, which you lot can employ to write your LinkedIn bio.

Featured Resource: Gratuitous Professional person Bio Templates

LinkedIn Professional Bio Templates

Utilize HubSpot'south gratuitous professional bio templates to write a standout LinkedIn summary for your profile.

2. Claw readers with a strong opener.

The goal of the first sentence of your LinkedIn summary is to get your audition to keep reading. That'due south why information technology's important to pique their involvement early and compel them to go on reading.

This tactic is chosen a hook.

You can hook readers with your LinkedIn summary past opening a loop that tin can only exist closed with further explanation or making a claim then outlandish that information technology needs farther justification.

Hook Case

"It took me more than Ten sales demos to larn the secret about Y, but since and so, something unexpected has happened."

3. Tell the reader why you exercise what you practise.

People connect with stories and values more than the straightforward "what you do.'' While the "what" is important, consider as well including the "why."

Understand what has attracted y'all to your profession and what your mission is in your role. These will make your LinkedIn profile more than emotionally resonant.

Mission Case

"I grew up on the Mississippi River and watched it get clearer over fourth dimension every bit manufacturing standards improved. Since so, I knew I wanted to spread the word nigh sustainability in business organisation environments."

4. Speak to your industry expertise.

Next, it'southward time to bolster your mission with your industry expertise. Describe your background and qualifications in two-to-three sentences.

For example, are you lot a salesperson using LinkedIn to connect with prospects? Your summary should speak to your expertise in your industry, and your interest in helping people achieve results. Possibly you're a customer success director using LinkedIn to connect with customers. Your summary should speak to your expertise in your industry and your availability for consulting.

Industry Expertise Example

"I have 7+ years of sales feel in both SDR and business relationship manager roles."

5. Call out your specialties and skills.

After highlighting your expertise, tell the states what y'all focus on in i-2 sentences. For instance, if y'all're a digital marketer, do you focus on SEO or social media?

If yous recently graduated from college, did you study something specifically inside your field?

Calling out your specialties is especially disquisitional in sales. There are many types of sales jobs out there in a vast number of industries with an infinite number of buyer personas and markets. Whether your goal is to appeal to employers or prospects, be sure to call out the things you practise well to attract the opportunities best aligned with your goals.

Specialties and Skills Case

"I'm a mid-market place sales executive with experience in straight sales and SAAS product demonstrations."

6. Provide information to back upwards your results and prove your expertise.

It'southward time to prove that you're actually an good by sharing important data points. No need to requite prospective employers a laundry list of your accomplishments — that's what the section below is for — but it tin can be impactful to weave a few of your near impressive information points into your summary paragraph.

Proof Case

"Over the past five years, I've made it into the President's Guild three times and my closed-won business has seen less than 10% churn during the start 12 months."

7. Mention if your team is currently hiring and invite people to use.

This is optional, but information technology will serve yous in several ways. First, it will show that y'all're a team thespian, and second, it volition show that you're committed to both your professional person growth and your electric current company's growth.

It's a must-have if y'all're in the business of recruiting, as this can serve as an splendid recruiting tool. For example, are y'all a team manager using LinkedIn to recruit for job openings? Your summary should speak to the fact that you have openings, the type of work you practise, and why a candidate would want to work at your company.

Squad is Hiring Example

"Nosotros're currently hiring account managers for our Pacific Northwest territory. The ideal candidate has 5+ years of sales feel and a demonstrated familiarity with the region. Nosotros're a fast-growing team with no cap on commission. Click here to learn more and utilize."

8. Highlight your professional interests.

Next, it's time to highlight your professional interests. What practise you aid others practise? What'south your goal in doing so? This is different from your skills in that it'south not necessarily equally quantifiable or fact-driven. Because these are your interests, yous don't take to provide data to show them.

Show that you're committed to pursuing them and be sure to audio passionate nigh them.

Professional Interests Example

"I'thousand a sales jitney that'south interested in assisting small teams (v-10 people) optimize their fourth dimension and workflows so businesses can grow without adding more headcount and reps can advance their careers."

9. Include a call-to-activity with your contact information.

Last simply certainly not least, include a call-to-action and potentially share your contact information. Are you a freelance or contract worker hoping to find more than work on LinkedIn? Your summary should end with how to arrive contact with you. If y'all desire to seal the bargain, include a list of your most impressive clients.

CTA Example

"Reach me at e-mail@address.com or book fourth dimension on my agenda here: [Calendar link]. Previous clients include [Your most impressive client], [Your 2d most impressive client], and [Your third nigh impressive client]."

If you're non looking for more work, y'all can also simply cease with, "Feel free to message me — I'd love to chat."

x. Tip: Break up large blocks of text.

If you lot find your summary is on the longer side (which isn't a problem as long as it's compelling), try breaking up large blocks of text to make information technology easier to read. When initially viewing a contour, many people are scanning for high-level context. If y'all are posting long paragraphs, some of your notable highlights can become lost.

Try keeping your text blocks to ii or 3 sentences max, making your summary easier to read and digest.

Your LinkedIn summary should sum up your biggest value propositions for the outcome you're hoping to achieve. The summary is ane of the first things people read when they land on your profile, so write a paragraph that succinctly and assuredly tells the reader why they should keep scrolling. Additionally, close your summary with a call-to-action, such equally how to contact yous.

Now, allow's hash out what to avoid when crafting your LinkedIn summary.

What (Not) to Put in a LinkedIn Summary

Cheesy or Cliché Terminology

Your profile should be gratuitous of terms such as "guru" or "primary." These terms are highly subjective, and don't speak to your actual skills or abilities. Instead of trying to be a self-proclaimed "guru," share a tangible piece of work y'all've done that demonstrates your expertise, or draw a specific initiative where your work drove business results.

Your Resume

Avert copying and pasting points from your resume to your LinkedIn summary. Non only is it redundant because your work history should be up-to-date on your profile, merely recruiters and potential connections are looking for a brief introduction to who yous are, non a regurgitation of your resume.

Spelling or Grammatical Errors

We're all human, and spelling mistakes happen. Earlier publishing your profile, make sure you review it a few times to grab any misspellings or grammatical errors. Having typos on your contour can claiming your credibility, and can be a distraction from your positive attributes.

Your Full Life Story

LinkedIn summaries are non the place to publish your autobiography (though I'm sure your autobiography is lovely). If users are scanning your contour looking for relevant data pertaining to a function or opportunity, yous want those points to be forepart and center.

When you update your LinkedIn summary, aim to include information that'south relevant to the jobs and opportunities you're open to, and keep things clear and concise.

LinkedIn Summary Examples

If y'all demand some inspiration, good news. These LinkedIn summary examples will help you find the correct words.

1. Demonstrate your passion.

LinkedIn summary example that shows passionThis sales professional person draws potential customers in by describing his enthusiasm for "building thriving organizations in the education ecosystem" — a goal he probably cares highly almost, also.

His next line tells prospects he's interested in learning their needs, non but selling them. And so he establishes his expertise.

Try it yourself: Depict the most rewarding aspect of your job, whether that'southward helping minor businesses go mobile or making corporations more efficient. Side by side, highlight why you're qualified. How many people or companies have you worked with? What are their average results? Which high-level issues are you well-equipped to solve?

ii. Speak to your prospect's pain.

LinkedIn summary example that speaks to prospects' painWhen actively connecting with prospects on LinkedIn, speak straight to them with your Linkedin profile but do so in a way that says you understand their struggles.

In essence, position yourself as a solution provider rather than a product seller.

This digital marketing and sales expert does this well for his marketing agency past calling out the problem. He does this before introducing himself or his solution.

Try it yourself: Write a whole introductory paragraph appealing to your customer's pains and emotions without mentioning yourself. You can offering a piece of advice or ask a question.

iii. Show some personality.

LinkedIn summary example that shows personalityThis HubSpot inbound marketing specialist shows his personality in his summary. The detail about his previous life as a standup comedian is intriguing, and the line about "realizing his children didn't like starving" is funny and relatable.

Sally gets more serious in the second section, highlighting his impressive track record at HubSpot.

Try it yourself: Begin your summary with an unexpected, interesting fact most yourself. In your next paragraph, tie it into your sales career.

For instance, y'all might write, "I was the third runner-up of the National Spelling Bee in 1997. (You lot better believe the spelling of 'euonym' is at present etched into my memory.) These days, I use my innate desire to learn to help customers."

4. Indicate they're in the right place.

LinkedIn summary example that shows users they're in the right placeBy calling out the audience you're targeting, you can get them to self-identify with your bulletin. Specifying who you lot're talking to indicates to the audition that they're in the correct identify.

This sales consultant and career coach does this in her start sentence when she says, "[I] love beingness an early stage employee at fast growing and innovative companies where I can brand an bear on."

Attempt it yourself: Place your buyer persona and and then include a description of them in your summary.

v. Make yourself seem outgoing.

LinkedIn summary example that's approachableAlthough it might be a flake untraditional to mention your personal hobbies on your LinkedIn profile, it's a skillful style to brand yourself more human off the bat. A prospect reading this summary might retrieve, "Oh, I too dearest to travel." They'll immediately feel more connected to you.

Endeavor it yourself: Listing a few of the things you like to do in your costless fourth dimension (steering articulate of anything controversial, of course). Then explain why you chose your current role and how your customers derive value.

six. Tell a story.

LinkedIn summary example that tells a storyIt'southward worth re-mentioning that stories resonate with people. While your LinkedIn contour includes where you've worked and the skills you accept, your summary is prime real estate for revealing the real you behind your job history.

This leader in the B2B sales and marketing infinite does this by sharing her difficulty being a Black woman in sales. Beingness told this brusk story about her, we become to know her mission and values as a professional.

Effort information technology yourself: Exist vulnerable. Isolate a single moment that encapsulates you as a professional person or embodies your values. Then briefly write it as if yous were telling this story verbally.

vii. Engage prospects.

LinkedIn summary example that engages prospectsThis account executive opens with his mission: Enabling businesses to become more personable using video. His next two sentences help you become to know him on a personal level.

The summary is brusk enough that readers are guaranteed to finish information technology — but he makes every line count. He makes you lot interested in learning more about him.

Try it yourself: In the simplest words possible, state how your visitor makes its customers' lives easier, better, more than enjoyable, etc. Then reveal something almost your background ("I was built-in in Spain and raised in Texas," "I've lived in Chicago my unabridged life," "My hometown boasts the largest Beanie Babies museum in the world") and end with "Always," "Constantly," or "Frequently" followed by your favorite thing to do ("Always reading," "Constantly cracking dad jokes," "Frequently juggling.").

viii. Intrigue your readers.

LinkedIn summary example that intrigues readersThis LinkedIn user uses the same formula as the previous — simply in reverse. He begins with his former jobs, which immediately tells you he's (already) had an interesting career. He then tells yous what he's currently up to.

Try information technology yourself: List your former jobs. If you've always been in sales, go artistic. Did you ever have a lemonade stand as a child? Were yous a camp counselor as a teenager? What was your higher gig?

For example, yous might write, "Ex-lemonade stand CEO, CMO, and COO; ex-juggler; ex-college tour guide. Currently helping prospective homeowners in Arizona find their next dream place to live. (And nonetheless juggling when asked nicely.)"

ix. Give a 360-degree view of y'all, your role, and your company.

LinkedIn summary example that gives a 360-degree viewThis LinkedIn summary showcases the user's passion and enthusiasm for the role. She highlights her main responsibilities and values, tells the reader why she's proud to work at The Muse and what sets the business autonomously, and lists some fun facts about herself.

Endeavor information technology yourself: Explain why you're so fired up about coming into work each day. What excites you? Why exercise you love your company? What makes your production, culture, and/or squad dissimilar from your competitors? Conclude with four or five personal tidbits about yourself.

10. Win immediate credibility.

LinkedIn summary example that shows credibilityThis user earns instant credibility with her LinkedIn summary.

She starts with a bold statement: "I similar to solve problems." She proves it with multiple examples from her career, then spotlights her specialties. Finally, she describes a few of her interests.

Try it yourself: Utilize a short, impactful one-liner to highlight why you're successful or what yous're best at. Give two to four examples of how this skill or desire has manifested itself throughout your life. Discuss your areas of expertise, and then wrap it up with your favorite topics of discussion.

11. Share your passion.

LinkedIn summary example that shows passionThis Boise-based consultant and business owner displays her sources of expertise. She concisely shares what inspired her work, and gives potential clients a preview of the benefits they tin can expect from working with her.

Try information technology yourself: Do you have an origin story related to your career path? Share a brief description of what has inspired your piece of work, and what makes you want to do the piece of work you practice.

12. Speak straight to who you lot want to serve.

LinkedIn summary example that speaks to whom the person servesFor consultants, business organization owners, and sales reps, speaking straight to who y'all want to serve in your LinkedIn summary is a smart approach to take. This career strategist and author does this masterfully in the offset few sentences of her LinkedIn summary. By immediately calling in who she aims to serve, she can hook the right readers, increasing her chances of connecting with the right people.

Try it yourself: In the start few sentences of your summary, endeavour writing a hook that would entreatment to your ideal customer or client and continue their attention.

13. Highlight your wins.

LinkedIn summary example that highlights the person's winsHave you received whatsoever notable awards, or had exciting features highlighting your piece of work? Include them in your summary to build credibility. This Senior Business Development Manager shares relevant awards and accolades in her LinkedIn summary to provide valuable context around her skills and abilities.

Try it yourself: Highlight accolades and wins specifically related to roles you would like to be considered for.

LinkedIn Summary Template

Beneath is a basic template you tin use to customize with your own details for a succinct and effective LinkedIn summary. Brand sure to add personal details to get in memorable for readers:

LinkedIn Summary Sample Templateslinkedin summary template

Stand Out with an Exceptional LinkedIn Summary

With these LinkedIn summaries to depict on, you lot should have plenty of ideas and inspiration for your own description. Get in personal, unique, and engaging — and prospects and potential employers volition feel like they know yous already.

Editor's notation: This post was originally published in August 2017 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Originally published Jul 16, 2021 1:15:00 PM, updated Baronial 25 2021